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Profesor UFR - Géographie Uniwersytetu Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne zaprasza do współpracy naukowców z UJ

Profesor  UFR - Géographie Uniwersytetu Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne  zaprasza do współpracy naukowców z UJ

Profesor Yann Richard, wykładowca UFR (unité de formation et de recherche) w dziedzinie geografii Uniwersytetu Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, otrzymał właśnie ministerialne finansowanie projektu pt. "Sorbonne War Studies". Naukowiec pragnie nawiązać kontakty w sieci Una Europa z kolegami i koleżankami reprezentującymi wszystkie dyscypliny (geografię, historię, prawo, nauki polityczne i socjologię), którzy prowadzą badania na polach: geopolityki, bezpieczeństwa, obronności, studiów nad wojną.


Summary of the project: 

The SWS programme aims to understand the evolution of military organisations through their operational, decision-making and socio-professional environments. The first axis of research (the operational environment) focuses on the relationship between armies and their territories and populations; the second (the decision-making environment) focuses on the steering and division of labour in crisis management; finally, the third axis (the socio-professional environment) deals with the transformation of certain military know-how through contact with other security actors. The team of teacher-researchers involved in this project has already been structured and active for three years. The activities of each axis have already produced a workshop, an international colloquium and a collective publication for the period 2018-2020. From now on, we want to give this research a European dimension. Una Europa is a great opportunity for collaborative work meetings. 

Osoba do kontaktu: Yann Richard

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