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Profesor UFR - Géographie Uniwersytetu Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne seek for collaboration among the scientist at the Jagiellonian University

Profesor  UFR - Géographie Uniwersytetu Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne seek for collaboration among the scientist at the Jagiellonian University

Professor Yann Richard (professor at the UFR of Geography of Paris 1) has just raised funding from the Ministry for a research project entitled Sorbonne War Studies. He wants to establish contacts within una europa with colleagues from all disciplines (geographers, historians, lawyers, political scientists and sociologists) who work in the following field: geopolitics, security, defense, war studies.

Summary of the project: 

The SWS programme aims to understand the evolution of military organisations through their operational, decision-making and socio-professional environments. The first axis of research (the operational environment) focuses on the relationship between armies and their territories and populations; the second (the decision-making environment) focuses on the steering and division of labour in crisis management; finally, the third axis (the socio-professional environment) deals with the transformation of certain military know-how through contact with other security actors. The team of teacher-researchers involved in this project has already been structured and active for three years. The activities of each axis have already produced a workshop, an international colloquium and a collective publication for the period 2018-2020. From now on, we want to give this research a European dimension. Una Europa is a great opportunity for collaborative work meetings. 

Contact person: Yann Richard

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