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Letter from the Director of NCN on the amount of doctoral scholarships

Letter from the Director of NCN on the amount of doctoral scholarships

Due to the entry into force of the regulation of the Minister of Science of 15 February 2024, amending the regulation on the amount of the minimum monthly basic remuneration for a professor in a public university and the consequent increase in the amount of the doctoral scholarship, NCN allows for the possibility of paying a doctoral scholarship for a doctoral student in research projects funded by NCN (after the month in which the mid-term evaluation was conducted) in an amount higher than PLN 5,000.

The information is available on the NCN website (PL)

We would like to kindly inform you that the details of the procedure for increasing the scholarship remuneration are currently under consultation with NCN.

All the necessary information will be provided to you as soon as the manner of introducing the above mentioned changes in the project implementation conditions is established.

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