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Development of Interdisciplinary skills for cooperation and conflict management - results

Development of Interdisciplinary skills for cooperation and conflict management - results

We invite academic teachers and students of all faculties to use publications, teaching materials, video lectures and a Soft skills mobile application on soft skills: time management, ability to work in a team, multicultural communication, setting professional and academic goals, conflict diagnosis and conflict management

These materials were prepared by representatives of partner universities (including Jagiellonian University) as part of the DISCOM project. 

All project results, research findings and prepared publications as well as materials are available free of charge on the project website - 


DISCOM information leaflet

Project presentation


NAWA Polsko-NIemiecka

Zmiana terminu w konkursie NAWA Polska-Niemcy

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications