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CEEPUS for Ukraine

CEEPUS for Ukraine

Under the CEEPUS programme in Poland, the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is offering “Freemover UA” fellowship grants, addressed to students and research staff of accredited Ukrainian universities cooperating with universities in Poland who have arrived in Poland following Russian hostilities on 24 February 2022 or later.

The “Freemover UA” grants are awarded to:

  • fellowships at partner entities of the CEEPUS academic networks,
  • approved summer schools,
  • CEEPUS intensive courses,
  • and at other accredited academic entities in Poland, in accordance with the work plan presented for approval.

Terms of application under the “Freemover UA” arrangement:

  • submitting a Freemover application via website
  • securing consent of the host institution for the fellowship under the ““Freemover UA” arrangement in the form of a letter of recommendation (Letter of Acceptance), which should include:
    • the host university’s acceptance of the work plan to be conducted under the arrangement,
    • the applicant-grantee’s full name and other details, the number of their application in the CEEPUS system,
    • a work plan including the number of hours and topics of classes or other forms of academic collaboration (e.g. seminars, labs or fieldwork etc.).

Application deadline: continuous call until exhaustion of the allocated funds (priority to grant applications to partner entities of the CEEPUS academic networks)/

Since the number of grants on offer is limited, JU entities interested in accepting a student or researcher as fellow should contact the CEEPUS Office for Poland:

Michał Skowroński


Phone no  (22) 390-35-12

More on the programme at CEEPUS NAWA

A search engine to help you out with finding the academic networks of which Jagiellonian University is a member under the CEEPUS (including information on the JU entity coordinating the collaboration) is available at:


NAWA Polsko-NIemiecka

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