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Scientists from the Jagiellonian University among the winners of the call for international research projects in the field of quantum technologies QuantERA Co-funded Call 2021

Scientists from the Jagiellonian University among the winners of the call for international research projects in the field of quantum technologies QuantERA Co-funded Call 2021

Four projects from the Department of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University in the field of fundamental research will receive funding from the National Science Centre in the third edition of the QuantERA competition. 

The third QuantERA competition was announced in March 2021 by 36 research funding agencies and from the very beginning it enjoyed great interest of the scientific community.

List of the winning projects from the Jagiellonian University to be funded by NCN:

1. DQUANT – Dissipative Quantum Chaos Perspective on Near-Term Quantum Computing

  • Polish team leader: prof. dr hab. Karol Wojciech Życzkowski, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University.
  • The project will be implemented with partners from Portugal, Slovenia, Germany and Norway.
  • Project duration: 36 months.

2. DYNAMITE – Next Generation Quantum Simulators: From DYNAMIcal Gauge Fields to Lattice Gauge ThEory 

  • Polish team leader: prof. dr hab. Jakub Maciej Zakrzewski, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University.
  • The project will be implemented with partners from Spain, Germany, Italy and Switzerland.
  • Project duration: 36 months.

3. Mf-QDS – Microfluidics Quantum Diamond Sensor

  • Polish team leader: dr Adam Marek Wojciechowski, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University.
  • The project will be implemented with partners from Spain, Germany and Israel.
  • Project duration: 36 months.

​4. STAQS – Adiabaticity as a shortcut in quantum computers and simulators

  • Polish team leader: prof. dr hab. Jacek Piotr Dziarmaga, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University.
  • The project will be implemented with partners from Austria, Luxembourg, Germany and Italy.
  • Project duration: 36 months.

For a complete list of award winners, please visit: QuantERA

Congratulations to all Laureates!

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