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Hydrogel hybrid materials for use in treatment of osteoporosis and/or bone regeneration

Hydrogel hybrid materials for use in treatment of osteoporosis and/or bone regeneration

Project carried out under the TANGO V programme at JU Faculty of Chemistry. Principal investigator in the project is professor Joanna Lewandowska-Łańcucka. The total cost of project implementation is PLN 249,500. The expected duration of the research project is 15 months.

Joint undertaking of the National Centre for Research and Development and the National Science Centre called TANGO is an answer to the need of building a bridge between the basic research and industrial research and development works. In the fifth edition of this program, the Jagiellonian University received funding for the implementation of one project. 

At the beginning of Novembera project "Hydrogel hybrid materials for use in treatment of osteoporosis and/or bone regeneration" carried out under the TANGO V will be will be conducted at JU Faculty of Chemistry. Principal investigator in the project is professor Joanna Lewandowska-Łańcucka.

The total cost of project implementation is PLN 249,500

The expected duration of the research project is 15 months (2 November 2021 - 31 January 2023).

Project co-funded/financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the program TANGO V - Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju.


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