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March 2020

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POLS [closed]

Date: 16.03.2020 - 16.06.2020
POLS [closed]

call for proposals, announced by the National Science Center

Funding institution:

National Science Center

Purpose of the call:

POLS call is for research projects led by incoming researchers of any nationality, including Polish nationals who wish to pursue their projects in affiliation with and based at a Polish research organisation or company in any academic field. The POLS call is financed from the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021. The POLS call is part of the Basic Research Programme operated by the National Science Centre under the EEA and Norway Grants and is prepared in cooperation with the Research Council of Norway. The programme has allocated €7,000,000 for POLS projects.

Call supervisor at CAWP:

Patrycja Bień,
phone: 12 663 30 01,

Way of submitting proposals::

Applications in the POLS call for proposals are submitted only in electronic form. The application together with the required attachments is sent by the Principal Investigator electronically via the ZSUN / OSF system (Integrated Services System for Science / Funding Streams),  in compliance with the proposal submission procedure.

Deadline for submitting proposals:

June 16, 2020

Internal regulations of the Jagiellonian University:

In accordance with the Jagiellonian University Rector’s Directive No. 56 on July 11, 2016 on the rules of procedure for the preparation and implementation at the JU of projects financed from external sources, researchers interested in participating in the call should submit to the CAWP.

More information:

Rector Announcement

Project Registration Form: WindowsMacLinux

National Science Center