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Centers of Scientific Excellence Dioscuri

Date: 20.02.2019 - 20.03.2019
Centers of Scientific Excellence Dioscuri

National Science Center (NCN) with the Max Planck Society (MPG) have announced the 2nd call for proposals

The announcing institution:

National Science Center with the Max Planck Society

Program description:

Dioscuri is a programme devised by MPG to support the development of lighthouses of scientific excellence in Central and Eastern Europe by promoting outstanding researchers who want to conduct their research in this region. Following a bottom-up and sustainable approach, it strives to establish future-oriented research fields and international standards of scientific quality. Dioscuri serves to strengthen the European Research Area as a whole and to expand the foundations for long-term economic and social prosperity in Europe.

Call supervisor at CAWP:

Patrycja Bień,
phone: 12 663 30 01,

The joint calls by MPG and NCN are designed to establish Centres of Scientific Excellence at Polish Host Institutions. The work of the Centres will be accompanied by Partners from German universities or research institutions in order to strengthen scientific exchange between Poland and Germany. These Partners will promote the Centres’ structural development and integration in scientific networks. Each DC may decide to expand this partnership tool and turn it into an Advisory Board.


20 March 2019 


Applications for the program consisting of: application form, application documents, short and full concept and scan of three signed attachments (applicant's declaration, declaration of the Polish Accepting Institution and a letter of intent from the Partner from Germany) should be sent using the submission website 

Jagiellonian University Internal regulations:

In accordance with the Jagiellonian University Rector’s Directive No. 56 on 11 July  2016 on the rules of procedure for the preparation and implementation at the JU of projects financed from external sources, researchers interested in participating in the call should submit to the CAWP:

  • until 8 March 2019, a draft application (data required in the application form and all the attachments) sent in a PDF file to the address of the CAWP call supervisor;
  • until 14 March 2019, the final version of the application in one copy together with the required documents, i.e .:
      • statements of the applicant and a letter of intent from a German partner (copies),

        declaration of the Polish Scientific Institution - signed personally by the head of the Jagiellonian University unit,

        a printed and signed Project Registration Form together with the VAT Eligibility Form (documents with the scan of the researcher signature and handwritten signature of the Head of the Unit of the Jagiellonian University (Dean Head of the unit, respectively),

Sending the application by the system is an irreversible operation, making it impossible to make subsequent changes.

Therefore, the electronic application should be sent only after preparing relevant data, which must also be provided to the CAWP.

The application for the program consisting of: application form, application documents, a short and full concept and a scan of three signed attachments (applicant's declaration, declaration of the Polish Accepting Institution and a partner's letter of intent from Germany) is a complete application documentation.

The declaration of the Polish Accepting Institution will be made available to the requesting researcher in scan to be attached to the application in electronic form, and sent in paper version by CAWP to Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.

The requesting scientist shall be the only one responsible for sending the application via the website and for sending the applicant's statement and the letter of intent from the German partner in paper version.

More information:

Rector's announcement  (in Polish)


Project registration form (WINDOWS, MAC, LINUX)