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JU launches International Visitors’ Office

Please be invited to contact the International Visitors’ Office (part of the JU International Relations Office), which is a point of contact for internationally mobile academic staff members as well as their families and their hosting units. 

As a member of EURAXESS network IVO provides information on entry conditions, work and residence permits, registrations, health insurance; supports foreigners in their dealings with the local authorities (the Municipality Office of Kraków, the Małopolska Provincial Office); helps JU units with the preparation of required documents; counsels on accommodation, local transport and other practicalities of living in Krakow; provides assistance for family members; recommends the cultural and tourist offer of Krakow and the Malopolska region. 

Contact person: 

Katarzyna Włodkowska-Łoziak, 

+48 12 663 38 36 

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