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Nowa wersja Europejskiej Karty Naukowca

Nowa wersja Europejskiej Karty Naukowca

On 8 December 2023, the EU Member States adopted a Council Recommendation on a European framework to attract and retain talent in research, innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. The EU Council Recommendation, along with the new European Charter for Researchers (replacing the 2005 Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers), are fundamental to the strengthening of the European Research Area. Their aim is to improve the general conditions and working environment of researchers, to provide them with a work-life balance, to promote adequate social protection, especially for early-career researchers

NAWA Polsko-NIemiecka

Zmiana terminu w konkursie NAWA Polska-Niemcy

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications