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Communication on principles of recruitment to Jagiellonian University Doctoral Schools in projects funded by the National Science Centre under the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 programme

Communication on principles of recruitment to Jagiellonian University Doctoral Schools in projects funded by the National Science Centre under the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 programme

RSC Assistants:

Panel HS

Katarzyna Pilipowicz,
tel. 12 663 30 05,

Panel NZ

Aleksandra Ryś,
tel. 12 663 30 02

Panel ST

Marek Plewa,
tel. 12 663 30 03,

With a view to the fact that Jagiellonian University has commenced the implementation of projects funded by the National Science Centre (NCN) under the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 programme, I establish the following principles for the implementation of projects with regard to recruitment and selection of doctoral students* to Jagiellonian University Doctoral Schools (not applicable to JU MC).

* Wherever this Communication or attachments thereto make reference to a doctoral student, it shall be understood as a doctoral student – a scholarship holder selected in a call procedure, its terms specified in Attachment 2 to the Terms and Conditions of Awarding Funds for the Implementation of Tasks Funded by the National Science Centre under research projects, annexed to the Resolution of the Council of the NCN no. 60/2022 of 9 June 2022 (point (2.1.3), who is receiving a scholarship funded under a research project.

  1. Pursuant to the provisions of the funding agreement and the call’s terms and conditions (available at NCN’s website) and the resolution of the Senate of Jagiellonian University on the recruitment rules appropriate for a given Doctoral School, the Principal Investigator, in cooperation with a relevant Doctoral School, arranges for a recruitment for the post of a doctoral student in the project. A call for proposals for a doctoral student may be announced once the NCN's decision to award funding for a project has become valid.
  2. Director of the relevant JU Doctoral School acts within the scope recruitment pursuant to the power of attorney granted to them by JU Vice-rector for Research. The power of attorney shall be drawn up by a project assistant at the Research Support Centre (RSC) in accordance with the regulations applicable at the University. Template power of attorney is attached as Attachment 1 to this Communication.
  3. In order to announce recruitment, a project’s Principal Investigator shall submit a letter with the Director of an appropriate Doctoral School, requesting them to announce a call for a doctoral student receiving scholarship funded under a research project, and to appoint a recruitment committee, proposing its composition. The letter should be submitted in accordance to the regulations applicable at a given Doctoral School. The criteria of recruitment and the members of the recruitment committee shall be decided pursuant to the regulations applicable in a given Doctoral School, and taking into account the regulations applicable in the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 call. The call is carried out by a committee appointed by the Director of the Doctoral School, comprising the principal investigator of a project in their capacity of the committee’s chair, and at least two persons appointed by them, who have adequate research or professional qualifications. The committee shall evaluate the candidates on using a score, taking into account the candidate's competence for performing specific tasks in a research project and their scientific track record
  4. The director of the relevant Doctoral School of Jagiellonian University announces the call on the School's website, while the principal investigator is obliged to place the announcement in other required communication channels. The principal investigator together with the recruitment committee carries out recruitment of doctoral students. The text of the announcement must comply with the criteria specified in Attachment 2 to the Terms and Conditions of Awarding Funds for the Implementation of Tasks Funded by the National Science Centre under research projects, annexed to the Resolution of the Council of the NCN no 60/2022 of 9 June 2022 (point 2.1.3). Entrants in the call may only be persons who have no doctoral degree and are not readers of a Doctoral School.
  5. Pursuant to the NCN regulations, the information on announcing the call shall be posted at least on the website of the host entity of the research project, and on the website of the NCN.  The announcement on the call should contain, in particular, information on the requirements for candidates, the conditions for awarding scholarships under the project, the deadline for accepting applications and the deadline for the outcome of the call.
  6. The recruitment committee shall carry out evaluation of the candidates pursuant to Article 200 of the Act of 20 July 2018: Law on higher education and science (Journal of Laws of 2018 item 1668 as amended), the rules and criteria applicable in a given Doctoral School, and the criteria specified in the Attachment 2 to the Terms and Conditions of Awarding Funds for the Implementation of Tasks Funded by the National Science Centre within research projects, as set forth by the Resolution of the Council of the National Science Centre no. 60/2022 of 9 June 2022 (point 2.1.3).
  7. Minutes shall be made of the recruitment proceedings. A template for a minimum scope of information to be included in the minutes from the session on concluding the call for a doctoral student under the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 project is attached as Attachment 2 to the this Communication.
  8. Minutes from the session of the recruitment committee shall be signed by members of the committee (with the project principal investigator as the committee’s chair) and approved by the Director of the Doctoral School, who shall deliver them forthwith  to the call assistant at the RSC. The minutes from the selection of the doctoral student may be delivered in a paper form (signed with a handwritten signature) or as a pdf file supported with qualified electronic signatures. A scan of the minutes finally signed by the Director of the School or its electronic version with electronic signatures is sent to the principal investigator, who is obliged to provide information about the selected candidate and about possible candidates on the reserve list to the IRK system (Internet Recruitment System for Candidates). Once the minutes from the session on concluding the call for a doctoral student have been delivered to them, the project assistant at the RSC shall provide the project’s principal investigator with a template agreement with a doctoral student.
  9. The project’s principal investigator, in cooperation with the Doctoral School, prepares an agreement to be concluded with the doctoral student. Once the agreement has been signed by the doctoral student, the Principal Investigator and countersigned by the Head of the JU organisational unit acting as a host entity to the project (Dean or the Director/Head of other organisational unit) and the Director of the JU Doctoral School, it should be delivered to the call assistant at the RSC for verification of compliance with the terms of the project and the programme, and in order to be conveyed through the department in charge of project settlement to JU Bursar or JU Deputy Bursar for signature, and then to forward the signed agreement to the appropriate Doctoral School and doctoral student.
  10. The minutes referred to in point 8, must be delivered no later than 20 October 2023, for the purpose of preparing information, in cooperation with a project’s Principal Investigator, on the selection of a doctoral student, to be passed on to the NCN.  Failure to provide information on the selection of a doctoral student or failure to select a doctoral candidate entitles the NCN to terminate the funding agreement for a research project which has been granted funding under the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 scheme with immediate effect.

The above mentioned principles apply to the PRELUDIUM BIS 4 call.

Additional info:
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