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NAWA competition for joint Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-German projects resolved

NAWA competition for joint Polish-Ukrainian and Polish-German projects resolved

The National Agency for Academic Exchange has announced the awarding of a call for joint research projects between Poland and Ukraine and between Poland and Germany.  

The purpose of NAWA's joint research projects is to support the mobility of researchers carrying out research projects agreed upon and conducted jointly by Applicants from Poland and partners from other countries. 

Based on the recommendation of the Polish-Ukrainian Joint Commission, the NAWA Director decided to fund 15 projects to be carried out in 2023-24 under joint research projects.  

The ranking list includes a project that will be implemented at Jagiellonian University, whose manager on the Polish side will be Dr. Maciej Pabijan from the Department of Biology. 

Project title: Mitochondrial and nuclear genome coevolution in species undergoing hybridization. 

Based on the recommendation of the Polish-German Joint Commission, the NAWA Director decided to fund 11 projects to be carried out in 2023-24 as joint research projects. 

The ranking list includes a project that will be implemented at the Jagiellonian University, whose manager on the Polish side will be Prof. Małgorzata Barańska from the Department of Chemistry. 

Title of the project: Nonlinear imaging techniques in biochemistry and biomedicine. 


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