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Three Jagiellonian University scientists awarded the Prime Minister's Prize

Three Jagiellonian University scientists awarded the Prime Minister's Prize

The Chancellery of the Prime Minister's Office website has published a list of the recipients of the Prime Minister's Awards, which are awarded in the categories for an outstanding doctoral dissertation, for highly recognised scientific achievements being the basis for conferring the degree of doctor habilitowany, and for achievement in scientific activity, including artistic creation or implementation activity.

The laureates include three scientists from the Jagiellonian University.

In the category of outstanding doctoral dissertation:

Dr Michał Jacek Lewicki - Music Editing in the Second Half of the 19th Century (Arts Sciences). For an outstanding doctoral dissertation of a pioneering nature, building a source base and opening up the field for researchers of music editing and Polish culture. 

Dr Anna Nina Potoczek - The impact of lack of control on norm perception and conformity (psychology). For demonstrating in a series of original and well-designed studies that the consequence of a decrease in the sense of control can be an increase in social conformity

In the category of Highly Commended Scientific Achievements that are the basis for the award of a postdoctoral degree: 

Dr Paweł Tomasz Matusik - Clinical and laboratory markers of thromboembolic risk and prothrombotic status in patients with atrial fibrillation (medical science). For undertaking an assessment of the significance of clinical and laboratory markers of thromboembolic risk and prothrombotic status in patients with atrial fibrillation. The work has contributed to the understanding of complex prothrombotic mechanisms and the search for potential therapeutic targets in patients with atrial fibrillation and risk of thromboembolic complications. It places emphasis on personalised medicine, which is undoubtedly the most important target of the current research search. 


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