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Jagiellonian University scientist among the winners of the BiodivProtect competition

Jagiellonian University scientist among the winners of the BiodivProtect competition

The European Biodiversity Partnership (Biodiversa+) has announced the results of the BiodivProtect: Supporting the protection of biodiversity and ecosystems across land and sea competition. Three research teams from Poland were among the winners of this competition, one of which is led by a scientist working at the Jagiellonian University.

Project title: G4B:  Grasslands for biodiversity: supporting the protection of the biodiversity-rich grasslands and related management practices in the Alps and Carpathians 

The Polish team is led by Dr Dominik Kaim from the Department of Geography and Geology at Jagiellonian University. The project will be implemented with partners from Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Switzerland, Ukraine and Italy.


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Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications