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Announcement of the results of the procedure for the award of scholarships of the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists in 2022 (edition 17)

Announcement of the results of the procedure for the award of scholarships of the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists in 2022 (edition 17)

Between 1 and 31 December 2021, rectors of universities and directors of institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institutes, international institutes or other persons in charge of entities referred to in Article 7(1) of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science, presented the Minister of Education and Science with 1,719 applications for scholarships for outstanding young scientists demonstrating significant achievements in academic research.

The applications were considered in accordance with the procedure set out in:

  • Article 360 of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 574, as amended), the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 1 April 2019 on scholarships of the Minister in charge of higher education and science for students and outstanding young scientists (Journal of Laws of 2022, item 428).

The merits of the applications were assessed by an Advisory Panel for the evaluation of applications for scholarships of the minister responsible for higher education and science for students and outstanding young scientists, consisting of experts representing all 47 scientific and artistic disciplines.

The scholarship applications were assessed by the Team using the scoring method, within the individual disciplines of science and art. In order to ensure a uniform and objective evaluation, the Panel established guidelines on how to evaluate the applications.

On 29 June 2022. - from among the applications of persons fulfilling the conditions for receiving scholarships - the Minister of Education and Science awarded scholarships to 215 young scientists, including 37 doctoral students.

The Minister's scholarships were awarded to young scientists representing all 47 scientific and artistic disciplines. The minimum point threshold for receiving a scholarship was different in each discipline.

The scholarships were awarded for a period of three years and their monthly amount is PLN 5,390. The scholarships will be paid to the young scientists by the entity that applied for the scholarship. These entities will be notified of the steps to be taken in order to conclude agreements with the young scientists regarding the payment of the scholarships.

Scholarships will be awarded to young scientists who, on the date of the decision to award the scholarship, i.e. 29 June 2022, held the status of a young scientist - in accordance with Article 360(2) of the Act.

Administrative decisions on granting or refusing to grant the Minister's scholarship will be sent to young scientists and applicants by post to the correspondence address provided in the application.

Detailed scoring of the application will be made available in the information system "Integrated System of Services for Science - handling funding streams" (ZSUN/OSF) - after sending the above mentioned decisions.

The provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure apply to proceedings in cases of the Minister's scholarships, with the exception of art. 10, art. 35-37, art. 61 § 4, art. 79a, art. 81 and art. 96a-96n, concerning, among others, the obligation to inform about the rights of active participation of a party in the proceedings, deadlines for handling administrative cases, reminders or mediation.

List of grantees

Information on how to assess applications (Panel guidelines)

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