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Three new Dioscuri Centres to be launched at the Jagiellonian Universities

Three new Dioscuri Centres to be launched at the Jagiellonian Universities

Two life scientists and a mathematician succeed in the fourth call against a strong field of applicants from around the world 

Mikołaj Frączyk, Przemysław Nogły and Mateusz Sikora will establish three new Dioscuri Centres at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The three Polish-born scientists, currently working in Germany, Switzerland and the US, will return to Poland over the next year and a half thanks to support from the Dioscuri Programme. The winners of the fourth international call for Dioscuri Centres published by the Max Planck Society and the National Science Centre Poland (NCN) will join the five Dioscuri Centres already established in Warsaw.


The Dioscuri Programme, which was initiated by the Max Planck Society, aims to establish internationally competitive research groups in Central and Eastern Europe. Each of these Dioscuri Centres is financed with up to 1.5 million euros for a period of five years. The costs are shared equally between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Polish Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN), while the host institutions in Poland provide the infrastructure. After its successful start in Poland, the program has recently been extended to the Czech Republic, where a first call for Czech Dioscuri Centres is currently open.

The first call for Dioscuri Centres in the Czech Republic is open to applicants of all nationalities and from all scientific disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, life sciences and natural sciences, until 25 July 2022. For more information, please visit the call website

source: Towarzystwo Maxa Plancka

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