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Submission of annual and final reports on the implementation of research projects (for the year 2021)

Submission of annual and final reports on the implementation of research projects (for the year 2021)

We would like to kindly inform and remind all Principal Investigators of research projects about the need to submit annual reports for 2021 and final reports on the implementation of research projects to the Ministry of Education and Science (MEiN) or the National Science Centre (NCN).

Annual reports to MEiN and NCN – general rules:

  1. The deadline for submitting annual reports for 2021 to MEiN and NCN is 31 March 2022.
  2. The reports should present the tasks performed and settle the costs incurred until 31 December 2021 on the basis of financial data provided by the Department of Domestic Projects Financial Management (DRPK).
  3. The data on costs incurred will be provided by the National Project Settlement Department (DRPK) to Principal Investigators by 10 March 2022.
  4. The first annual report on the implementation of projects financed by the NCN should be submitted for the calendar year in which the project implementation period was at least 8 months. If the implementation of the project in accordance with the contract is completed no later than 30 April of a given calendar year, the annual report for the preceding year is not required.
  5. Please remember to include in the report information about all changes made during the project implementation, with the consent of the head of the unit, by means of an annex and changes made independently by the Principal Investigator in accordance with the Announcement of the JU Vice-Rector for Research and Structural Funds of 6 June 2018 on establishing the rules for the implementation of research projects financed by the NCN at Jagiellonian University and with the Announcement of JU Vice-Rector for Research of 1 December 2021 on the rules for the implementation of research projects financed by the NCN at Jagiellonian University. Remember to include in the report all the changes of the form of employment of individual contractors.
  6. Starting from the calls OPUS 17, PRELUDIUM 17, MAESTRO 11, SONATA BIS 9, SONATA 15, PRELUDIUM BIS 1, SONATINA 4, CEUS-UNISONO, in the category “Other direct costs”, analogically in the report form as in the submitted application, the following subcategories will be separated: materials and small equipment, external services, business trips, visits, consultations, collective contractors, other costs. According to the information provided by the NCN, the annual report form for 2020 in the above-mentioned calls will be available in the ZSUN/OSF system together with the report form for 2021 (in the form of one cumulative report form). Planned date of publishing the report forms for projects carried out in these calls is 1st February 2022.

Annual reports MEiN – detailed rules: Applies to annual reports (deadline until 31 March 2022): Diamond Grant, NPRH

  1. The annual report should be drawn up in accordance with the rules applicable to individual programmes and projects.
  2. Reports are submitted only in paper form.
  3. The annual draft report in the form of a Word file should be sent to the project assistant at CWN by 12 March 2022. The project assistant at CWN will verify the report and inform about any comments or the possibility of submitting the report for signature.
  4. The final version of the report, drawn up in triplicate and signed in places intended for the Principal Investigator and signed by the head of the unit (the Dean of the Faculty or Director of the unit, according to the specificity of the given unit) in which the project is being implemented, should be submitted to CWN within the time limit enabling the verification and obtaining the required signatures of University authorities, i.e. by 23 March 2022.
  5. CWN will send to MEiN the annual reports approved by JU authorities in paper form in the required number of copies, and will forward one copy to the DRPK. 

Annual reports NCN – detailed rules:

Due to the change in the NCN administrative support for projects (scholarships, internships and research projects), which from the calls announced on 15 December 2016 has been conducted exclusively in electronic form, two paths are introduced at the stage of preparing and submitting annual reports to the NCN for:

  1. reports submitted on paper or with the use of an eligible electronic signature;
  2. reports submitted using only the eligible signature. 


  1. Reports submitted on paper or with the use of the qualified electronic signature. Applies to annual reports (deadline until 31 March 2022) submitted on the implementation of research projects for calls: OPUS 12, SONATA 12, SONATA BIS 6, MAESTRO 8, PRELUDIUM 12, SYMFONIA 4, HARMONIA 8, BEETHOVEN 2.
    • The annual report must be prepared in accordance with the rules applicable to individual programmes and projects.
    • The annual draft report in the form of a PDF file should be sent to the CWN project assistant by 15 March 2022. The project assistant at CWN will verify the report and inform about any comments or the possibility of submitting the report for signature.
    • The final version of the report should be submitted to CWN within the time limit enabling the verification and obtaining the required signatures of JU authorities, i.e. by 23 March 2022.
    • According to the NCN’s information that due to the epidemiological situation, the preferred form of submitting reports on the implementation of research projects is documentation bearing a qualified electronic signature of authorised persons and sent to the NCN via the ePUAP platform, it is possible to submit a report bearing the qualified signature of the Principal Investigator and the Head of the organizational unit of JU (Dean of the Faculty or Director/Head of another organizational unit).
    • However, if it is not possible to sign the report with a qualified electronic signature by the Principal Investigator, it is possible to sign the document by hand (by PI), then make a scan of it, sent it as a PDF file to the Head of the unit, (Dean of the Faculty or Director/Head of another organizational unit) in order to be signed by them with the qualified electronic signature, and then sent it to the project assistant at CWN. The document will be signed with a qualified electronic signature by JU authorities and sent by CWN to the NCN via the ePUAP platform. Additionally, in accordance with the NCN guidelines, if this path of the report is chosen, the original document signed by hand by the PI should also be submitted to CWN. The NCN requires the original of the report to be kept with the entity implementing the project.
    • It is also possible to submit a report to the NCN only in a paper version. The final version of the report, drawn up in duplicate and signed in places intended for the PI, and signed by the Head of the organizational unit (Dean of the Faculty or Director/Head of another organizational unit) in which the project is being implemented, should be submitted to CWN within the time limit enabling verification and obtaining the required signatures of JU authorities i.e. until 23 March 2022.
    • The obligation to send the report in an electronic version in the ZSUN/OSF system rests with the PI. Therefore, the report in electronic form should be sent only after obtaining signatures of JU authorities on the final version. Information on the approval of the report by JU authorities will be provided by the project assistant at CWN.
    • CWN will send the annual reports approved by JU Authorities to the NCN in the required number of copies or in electronic form via the ePUAP platform. In the case of a report submitted in paper version, CWN will submit one copy to the DRPK, and in the case of a report submitted in electronic version, it will archive the document in the SAP system in the appropriate PSP element.
  2. Reports submitted using only the qualified electronic signature. Applies to annual reports (deadline until 31 March 2022) submitted on the implementation of research projects for calls: OPUS 13, SONATA 13, SONATA BIS 7, MAESTRO 9, PRELUDIUM 13, HARMONIA 9, SONATINA 1, QUANT-ERA, DAINA 1, BEETHOVEN 3, NORFACE, Solar-Driven Chemistry, JPND, Chist-Era, BIODIVERSA.
    • The annual report must be prepared in accordance with the rules applicable to individual programmes and projects.
    • Details of the report template for multilateral collaborative projects will be provided by the project assistant at CWN (applicable to NORFACE, Solar-Driven Chemistry, JPND, Chist-Era, BIODIVERSA projects).
    • The annual draft report in the form of a PDF file should be sent to the project assistant at CWN by 15 March 2022. The project assistant at CWN will verify the report and inform about any comments or the possibility of submitting the report for signature.
    • The final version of the annual report should be sent by 23 March 2022 to the project assistant at CWN in the form of a PDF file signed with a qualified signature by the PI and the Head of the unit (Dean of the Faculty or Director/Head of another organizational unit) in which the project is implemented.
    • The obligation to send the report in an electronic version in the ZSUN/OSF system rests with the PI. Therefore, the report in electronic form should be sent in the ZSUN/OSF system only after obtaining signatures of JU authorities on the final version. Information on the approval of the report by JU authorities will be provided by the project assistant at CWN.
    • CWN will send the annual reports approved by JU Authorities to the NCN in the required number of copies or in electronic form via the ePUAP platform and will archive the document in the SAP system in the appropriate PSP element.

Final reports to MEiN and NCN – general rules:

  1. Pursuant to the applicable regulations, the final report shall be submitted no later than 60 days from the project completion date specified in the contract.
  2. The final draft report should be sent to the project assistant at CWN in an electronic version in the form of a PDF (NCN) or Word (MEiN) file up to 20 days before the deadline for submitting reports to the NCN and MEiN. The project assistant at CWN will verify the report and will inform about any comments or the possibility of submitting the report for signature, along with the document processing rules agreed with MEiN and NCN. 

In the case of programmes or projects not indicated in this Announcement, project assistants at CWN will contact the PI’s individually to determine the mode and deadlines for submitting reports. 

Please note that failure to submit the annual report on time or submission of a report that does not meet the requirements set out in the relevant provisions will result in suspension of further financing. On the other hand, failure to submit the final report authorizes the financing institution to recognize the contract as not performed and entitles it to demand a refund from the entity. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the preparation of reports, please contact the project assistants at CWN:

  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA implemented at the Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Polish Studies
    • Jakub Górka, phone 12 663 30 11,
  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA implemented at the Faculty of Biology, Faculty of International and Political Studies
    • Agnieszka Gajda-Górecka, phone: 12 663 30 25,
  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA, SYMFONIA implemented at The Faculty of Physics, and Astronomy and Applied Computer Science
    • Monika Pacholczyk, tel. phone 12 663 30 09,
  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA implemented at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Faculty of Management and Social Communication and in out-of-faculty units as well as the SYMFONIA projects implemented at the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, the Faculty of Biology and in out-of-faculty units
    • Mateusz Basarab, phone 12 663 38 64,
  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS implemented at the Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of geography and geology
    • Monika Mikołajczyk, phone 12 663 38 39,
  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA implemented at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of History
    • Joanna Łyczek, phone 12 663 38 92,
  • NCN projects: OPUS, SONATA, SONATINA, SONATA BIS, HARMONIA implemented at the Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Philology
    • Łukasz Kucharzyk, phone 12 663 38 49,
  • NCN projects: MAESTRO (all Faculties)
    • Elżbieta Wito, phone 12 663 30 07,
  • NCN projects: PRELUDIUM 8-16 (NZ and HS panels), PRELUDIUM 17-19 (HS panel) and MEiN projects: DIAMOND GRANT, NPRH 4th edition (modul: Rozwój)
    • Katarzyna Pilipowicz, phone 12 663 30 05,
  • NCN projects: ETIUDA, PRELUDIUM up to 16th edition (ST panel, Faculty of Chemistry and the Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeuthics), PRELUDIUM 17 (ST panel) and MEiN projects: NPRH (moduls: Umiędzynarodowienie and Uniwersalia)
    • Marek Plewa, phone 12 663 30 03,
  • NCN projects: PRELUDIUM up to 16th edition (ST panel, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Faculty of Geography and Geology and Małopolska Centre of Biotechnology), PRELUDIUM 17 (NZ panel) and MEiN projects: NPRH (moduls: Dziedzictwo Narodowe and Fundamenty)
    • Aleksandra Ryś, phone 12 663 30 02,
  • NCN projects: BEETHOVEN 2 and 3, NORFACE, SHENG 1, CHIST-ERA, BiodivERsA, JPND, Solar-Driven Chemistry
    • Sebastian Bąk, phone 12 663 38 46,
  • NCN projects: DAINA 1
    • Patrycja Bień, phone 12 663 30 01,

Please submit the paper documents to the CWN office (ul. Czapskich 4, 1st floor, room 103). However, the documents in electronic version should be submitted directly to project assistants at CWN to the e-mail addresses indicated above.

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