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Schedule of upcoming calls for 2022 - National Science Centre

Schedule of upcoming calls for 2022 - National Science Centre

The planned schedule of call for 2022 has been published on the National Science Center website.

Detailed information on the conditions, mode and start dates of individual competitions will be published on NCN website after approval by appropriate resolutions of the Council of the National Science Centre.

The schedule does not include multilateral competitions announced by international networks of research funding agencies of which NCN is a member. Announcements of these calls and their announcements are posted on NCN websites throughout the year in accordance with the decisions made by the participating agencies.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the planned dates of call announcements.

NAWA Polsko-NIemiecka

Zmiana terminu w konkursie NAWA Polska-Niemcy

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications