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„Professional teacher of Polish. Practice and Personalisation”

„Professional teacher of Polish. Practice and Personalisation”

We would like to inform you that the Faculty of Polish Studies of the Jagiellonian University is implementing the project  “Professional teacher of Polish. Practice and Personalization", co-financed with EU funds under the European Social Fund, addressed to students of Polish studies, teacher specialisation. Tasks under the project seek to develop both knowledge and practical skills in a teacher’s profession, including collective project solving, public appearances, successful communication, innovation in teaching through modern educational methods and use of digital tools.

We encourage you to contact the Project Office:


phone: 795-545-781

adress: ul. Kanonicza 6/2
31-002 Kraków 

More information:

Website of the project



Project "Professional teacher of Polish. Practice and Personalisation" co-financed by the European Union within the European Social Fund.

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