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Information on final and annual reports from NCN

Information on final and annual reports from NCN

Final reports: competitions OPUS 17, PRELUDIUM 17, MOZART) and later.

  • Final report forms will be made available in OSF on February 1, 2022.
  • Time for submission of reports will be 60 days from the date the form is made available.
  • Any funds not used during the research projects should be returned to the Center within the contractual deadline (up to 60 days from the project completion date).

Final reports in the MINIATURE 4 competition.

  • NCN will inform about the availability of final report forms and deadlines for their submission in the MINIATURE 4 competition at a later date.
  • Any funds not used during the implementation of the action should be returned within 30 days from the date of its completion.

Annual reports for the following competitions: OPUS 17, PRELUDIUM 17, MAESTRO 11 and SONATA BIS 9.

  • The annual report form for 2020 in the above mentioned competitions will be available in OSF together with the report form for 2021 (in the form of one cumulative report form).
  • Planned date of publishing report forms for projects implemented in OPUS 17, PRELUDIUM 17, MAESTRO 11, SONATA BIS 9, OPUS 18, PRELUDIUM 18, SONATA 15, SONATINA 4, OPUS 19, PRELUDIUM 19, MAESTRO 12, SONATA BIS 10 - 1st February 2022.
  • Annual reports in the above competitions should be submitted to the National Science Center by March 31, 2022.
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