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Results of the SONATINA 5 competition

Results of the SONATINA 5 competition
NCN announced results for SONATINA 5 competition.
Two scientists from the Jagiellonian University have received funding for their research.
Dr Piotr Rafał Makowski from the Faculty of History and Dr Alexander Ganz from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science will lead their projects at UJ.
NAWA Polsko-NIemiecka

Zmiana terminu w konkursie NAWA Polska-Niemcy

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Konkurs o stypendia MNiSW dla młodych, wybitnych naukowców rozstrzygnięty

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Naukowiec z UJ laureatem prestiżowego grantu

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications

Results of the first call for FIRST TEAM applications