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Recruitment of experts - thirty-fourth round

Recruitment of experts - thirty-fourth round

The Foundation for Polish Science announces the thirty-fourth round of recruitment of experts/experts within the framework of the Operational Programme Intelligent Development 2014-2020 for Measure 4.4 "Enhancement of human resources potential of the R&D sector", in which FNP serves as the Implementing Authority.

We invite experts from scientific and economic circles to submit their candidatures for supporting substantive assessment of projects for co-financing in Measure 4.4 of the IROP implemented by the Foundation for Polish Science. Person applying for the status of candidate for expert should specify the field or fields covered by IR OP, in which he/she specializes and has knowledge, competences and experience as well as required licences. Depending on the above, one can apply for the status of candidate expert in scientific field, in economic field or in both these fields.

To apply for inclusion in the list you must register in the electronic system provided by FNP at

More information:


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