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Hard Skills 2019

Hard Skills 2019

zachęcamy do zapoznania się z ofertą konkursową

Hard Skills programme provides practical tools to obtain knowledge and guidance for driving innovation.
The main goal of the project is to identify the biggest needs of young scientists in the area of hard competences, including: biotechnology and medicinal chemistry.

We provide necessary key skills, such as:
- Formal process of drug discovery
- Appreciation of the conceptual and factual bases for bioprocess design and operation
- Understanding of bioprocessing procedure - structures, roles and experimental methods associated with biopharmaceuticals
- Modern Drug Forms - innovative solutions for the design of medical drugs using the rules of Quality by Design as well as the principles of Process Analysis Technology

The Hard Skills project is aimed at students, PhD and PostDoc candidates, science graduates, people working in start-ups (up to 3 years), SME, young scientists who have faced the challenge of being an entrepreneur and combining this role with being a scientist.


  • One week of intense hard skills training in Gdansk and Warsaw (Poland) on 1-6th of September 2019.
  • One week of intensive hard skills training in biotech and medicinal chemistry modern techniques in Barcelona (Spain) on 22-27th of September.
  • Pitching competition with participation of jury - experts, mentors, Industrial Partners

The registration deadline is 16.08.2019.

Więcej informacji:

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