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Visegrad Scholarship Program

Date: 07.01.2019 - 15.03.2019
Visegrad Scholarship Program

The International Visegrad Fund announces the call for proposals

The institution announcing:

International Visegrad Fund

The subject of the competition:

Call for proposals under the scholarship program of the International Visegrad Fund for Master's, post-graduate and doctoral studies in the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary). The scholarship amounts to 2,300 euros for a student per semester and 1,500 euros for a unit per semester.

Call supervisor at CAWP:

Bernadetta Patecka,
phone: 12 663 30 22,

The way of submitting applications:

Applications must be submitted online via the electronic system 

The deadline for submitting applications:

15th March 2019

More information:

Website of the program


Scholarship Instructions

Questions and Answers