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May 2024

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Date: 20.05.2024 - 14.08.2024

RSC Assistant:

Anna Dryja
tel: 12 663 38 43

Announcing institution:

National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR)

Subject of the competition:

National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) has announced a call for proposals in the 11th GOSPOSTRATEG call. The call is commissioned by the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Thematic scope:

Development of hydrogen storage in salt caverns to strengthen Poland's critical energy infrastructure.

The project aims to:

  • increase the use of socio-economic research results in the formulation of national and regional development policies by 2028,
  • implement the policies, strategies, operational documents and specific solutions developed under the programme,
  • implement the solutions developed under the programme, strengthening the social capital necessary for the implementation of national and regional development policies.

The project objectives should address:

  • identifying the location and determining the potential of salt structures to build hydrogen storage in them,
  • identification of the potential for hydrogen production from RES in the area where salt deposits are present, where hydrogen storage facilities could be constructed,
  • determining the averaged costs of hydrogen storage,
  • development of guidelines for the safe storage and distribution of hydrogen,
  • identification and the possibility of full use of the Polish scientific and engineering potential in the field of bulk hydrogen storage in salt structures,
  • determining how to gain public acceptance for hydrogen storage in salt caverns, with the aim of strengthening social capital for this direction in national energy policy,
  • indication of the scope of necessary research and development works in the field of technology, construction and materials necessary for mass accumulation of hydrogen in salt caverns,
  • identification of deficiencies and recommendations for legislative solutions.

The call for proposals at the NCBiR runs from 20 May to 14 August 2024.

Basic information on the projects:

  • The maximum duration of projects is 36 months.
  • Maximum funding per project is PLN 20 million.
  • As part of the call, NCBiR will select 1 project for funding.
  • The call is open to consortia consisting exclusively of non-corporate entities: scientific entities, commercial companies, foundations, associations, comprising a maximum of 5 entities, including at least 2 scientific entities.
  • All property rights to the project results are vested in the holder, the Ministry of Climate and Environment, which represents the State Treasury and which is obliged to put the solution resulting from the project into practice.
  • The solutions resulting from the project should be put into practice by the beneficiary within 3 years of the project call.
  • Indirect costs constitute 25% of funding and apply to categories “Salaries” and “Other direct costs”.
  • VAT is an eligible cost.

Proposal submission at the NCBR:

The proposal together with the required attachments shall be submitted by the project leader via the LSI computer system in electronic version only. The link to the system will be active from 20 May 2024.

JU internal regulations:

Pursuant to Ordinance No. 129 of 10 November 2022 by JU Rector on: The procedure for drawing up and implementing projects funded from external sources at Jagiellonian University and hiring and rewarding personnel of the project persons interested in entering the call (not applicable with JU MC) are asked to deliver to the call assistant at the RSC:

  • in view of the need to apply only as part of a consortium, information on your wish to apply for the competition as:
    • Consortium Leader no later than 3 July 2024,

    • Consortium Partner - by 17 July 2024, together with the submission of a model consortium agreement sent by the project leader,

by 29 July 2024:

  • an Educational Project Entry Form and a VAT eligibility form filled out in the electronic system JU Project Zone 
  • a proposal draft (electronic version sent as a pdf file to the address of the call assistant at the RSC) for the purposes of review and verification of formal eligibility),
  • by 6 August 2024: a final version of the proposal i.e. a complete proposal (electronic version sent in as a pdf file signed with a qualified electronic signature or a hard copy signed with handwritten signatures) – signatures required: the principal investigator and the head of the JU organisational unit (i.e. Dean or Director/Head of other organisational unit) acting as the project’s host institution.

In the case of JU acting as Consortium Leader, the proposal in electronic form can only be sent in the LSI system after approval by JU authorities. The proposal signed by JU authorities shall be delivered by call assistants at the RSC to the email addresses you have specified.

In matters regarding employment and remuneration in the prepared projects, please contact Ms Sylwia Borczuch,, phone No. 12 663 38 35.

In the case of queries concerning the application of project results, please contact CTT Brokers of CITTRU (from your respective Faculty).

More information:

Information by the Research Support Centre of 22 April 2024 on: submitting project funding proposals under the 11th GOSPOSTRATEG call announced by the National Centre for Research and Development

Site of the competion on NCBR portal (PL)