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Investment in research activity

Date: 18.06.2024 - 31.07.2024
Investment in research activity

RSC Assistants:

Paweł Moń

tel. 12 663 38 34,
(OSF login: pawel.mon)

Financing institution:

Minister of Science and Higher Education

Subject of the competition:

This is to inform you that pursuant to the Ordinance by the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 14 March 2019 on awarding, receiving, and transferring funds for the implementation of investment in education and research activity (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 533) 31 July 2024 marks the deadline for submitting proposals for investments in research activity for the year 2025.

Funding proposals may cover:
  • investments within the scope of research equipment and IT infrastructure, with a value exceeding PLN 500,000;
  • construction investments.
In the case of construction investments, preference is given to the undertakings that possess an architectural project and a building permit. 
Funding proposals in the field of construction investments must be consulted and approved by the Construction Investment Department of Jagiellonian University. 
Form of submitting proposals:
The Ministry of Education and Science requires that proposals be submitted in the OSF electronic submission system on the website of the National Information Processing Institute: supplemented by a version signed by persons authorised to represent the entity in question.
JU internal regulations
Pursuant to Ordinance No  129 of JU Rector 10 November 2022 on: The procedure for drawing up and implementing projects funded from external sources at Jagiellonian University and hiring and rewarding personnel of the project JU units (without JU MC) interested in entering the call are asked to deliver to the RSC:
  • by 15 July 2024:
    • a proposal draft (electronic version sent as a PDF file to the address of the call assistant at the RSC or by accessing - as a reader - the OSF system) for the purposes of verification of its conformity to the call’s terms and formal and accountancy eligibility;
    • the Research Project Entry Form and the VAT eligibility form filled out in the electronic system JU Project Zone at: 
  • by 25 July 2024:
    • 1) OSF option using digital signature: a final version of the proposal’s Part A, “version for the Ministry”, in the form of a PDF file, supplemented with sending the proposal’s final version also in the form of a PDF signed electronically by the project principal investigator and the head of the JU organisational unit (i.e. Dean, Director/Head of another organisational unit) hosting the project.
    • 2) OSF option - a paper version: two copies of a final version of the proposal’s Part A, “version for the Ministry” accompanied by one copy of a proposal’s final version, signed by the principal investigator and the head of JU organisational unit (i.e. Dean, Director/Dead of another organisational unit) hosting the project.
Please bear in mind that sending the proposal in the system cannot be reversed and prevents later modifications. In light of the above, the proposal in electronic form should be sent only once the signatures of JU authorities in the proposal’s Part A have been obtained. Information on the approval of the proposal by JU authorities will be delivered by a call assistant at the RSC to the email addresses you have specified.
Proposal submission requires the approval of the Head of the JU unit and JU Bursar in the Proposal entry form.
More information: