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Support for students to improve their competences and skills

Date: 14.05.2024 - 24.06.2024
Support for students to improve their competences and skills

RSC Assistant:

Aneta Fausek

tel. 12 663 38 07

Anna Łokcick

tel. 12 663 38 47


Financing institution:

Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Subject of the competition:

the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has announced a call for proposals within the non-competitive project implemented by the Minister of Science, which is serviced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) entitled "Supporting students to improve their competences and skills" (Measure 01.05 Skills in Higher Education, European Funds for Social Development Programme 2021-2027).

The subject of the procedure is the selection of offers from HEIs that will implement support for male and female students in the development of their competences and skills, scientific activity, innovation, creativity by enabling them to participate in international competitions, contests, conferences. 

Deadline for submitting proposals (offers) to the MNiSW is 24 June 2024.

Principal terms of the scheme:
  • Funding can be applied for under the project 'Supporting students to improve their competences and skills' by the university where the student(s) forming the team who plan to enter an international competition, contests, conference are studying. 
  • In the case of an offer concerning a team of students of an inter-university nature, the university responsible for the submission and implementation of the project must be indicated in the offer.
  • Financial support may be used in particular to finance the preparation and participation of male and female students in international competitions, contests, conferences. Funds may also be used for the purchase of materials and services necessary for the preparation related to the subject of competitions, contests, international conferences. This support may also be received for reasonable accommodation and support for disadvantaged groups.
  • The participation of male and female students in the tasks carried out in the project should allow them to confirm the theoretical skills acquired in class and to broaden their skills and/or competences and/or qualifications in their chosen scientific field. 
  • Under the call, support may be provided to a male or female student, indicated in the offer of the University, who fulfils all of the following conditions:
    • the are students of the first- or second-cycle studies or of the uniform master's studies of the university which submits the application. It is allowed for the offers to be realised by intercollegiate teams after indicating the university responsible for the realisation of the offer;
    • they have documented command of at least one foreign language atlevel not lower than B2 (certified in particular by a statement of the teacher on the level of knowledge of the foreign language by the student or a certificate confirming knowledge of the foreign language);
    • they have a favourable opinion from the faculty supervisor or the supervisor of the scientific circle on the student's previous scientific activity. The opinion should confirm that the developmental potential and previous experience of the student or student give grounds to believe that they can win contests, international competitions of the highest rank or win distinctions at conferences;
    • in the case of a team of students, the participation of the person concerned in the team is necessary to achieve the project goals
  • Project implementation time frame may not exceed 18 months and may not exceed the date of 31 December 2025.
  • A university may submit more than one offer in a call.
  • The amount of funding allocated for eligible expenditure under the project is 100%. Expenditure may be eligible in the project incurred from the date of announcement of the call provided that an agreement is concluded.
  • The University is required to apply the rates and standards referred to in the document entitled: "Statement of Standard and Market Prices".
  • The cost of implementing one project may not exceed:
    • PLN 80,000.00 - for a project implemented by one student
    • PLN 500,000.00 - for a project implemented by a team of students.
  • The catalogue of costs possible to be incurred in the project includes in particular the following expenditure related to the objectives of the project:
    • costs of indispensable classes enriched with practical elements increasing competences, qualifications, skills (e.g. courses or trainings or other forms of support tailored to the individual needs of project participants in connection with realisation of the project's objective, necessary to prepare a student for participation in an international competition, contest, conference);
    • costs of participation in international competitions, contests, conferences (e.g. travel, accommodation, participation fees, insurance);
    • costs of preparation for participation in competitions, contests, conferences and sustainability (e.g. to carry out the necessary rehearsals, tests, simulations of the equipment presented by participants in competitions, contests, conferences);
    • the purchase of materials and services required for the preparation of a project that is the subject of an international competition, contest or conference (expenditure on materials may not exceed 15% of the project value);
    • the cost of a tutor on the side of the Polish HEI (e.g. the cost of a tutor or a person responsible for the validation of learning outcomes;\
    • additional support comprising reasonable accommodation and support for students from disadvantaged groups, e.g. expenditures compensating for the negative effects of disadvantage due to the place of residence (e.g. reimbursement of travel costs, accommodation, meals during the preparation in the country or purchase of teaching aids necessary in the preparation process, travel costs for an assistant of a person with disabilities, other necessary purchases due to emergencies).
  • The project does not provide for indirect costs. It is only possible to incur costs directly related to the objectives of the project, in line with the cost catalogue.
  • During the implementation of the project, double financing of expenditure within the meaning of the "Guidelines on the eligibility of expenditure 2021-2027" is not permitted.


Form of submitting proposals:
The MNISW requires that proposals be submitted only electronically. The proposal shall be drawn up in accordance with provisions of the call documentation. The approved by JU authorities proposal (offer) will be sent by the RSC to the MNISW using the Electronic Platform of Public Administration Services ePUAP. 
The submitted offer should be supported by:
  • a power of attorney for the person authorised to represent the university  and sign the offer (documents will be prepared by the RSC);
    project cost estimate (prepared as per the MNISW template);
    CV of the student(s) (prepared in accordance with the MNISW template);
    A document confirming command of at least one foreign language at a level not lower than B2 (confirmed in particular by teacher's declaration of the level of the student's foreign language proficiency or a certificate confirming the knowledge of a foreign language).
JU internal regulations:
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 129 by the JU Rector of 10 November 2022 on: The procedure for drawing up and implementing projects funded from external sources at Jagiellonian University and hiring and rewarding personnel of the project persons interested in entering the call (not applicable with JU MC) are asked to deliver to the call assistant at the RSC:
  • by 13 June 2024:
    • The Education Project Entry Form filled out in the electronic system JU Project Zone available at:;
      a proposal draft along with cost estimate (electronic version sent as a PDF file to the address of the call assistant at the RSC),
  • by 19 June 2024, the final version of the proposal along with required annexes (electronic version sent in as a pdf file signed with a qualified electronic signature or a hard copy signed with handwritten signatures) – signatures required: the principal investigator and the head of the JU organisational unit (i.e. Dean or Director/Head of other organisational unit) acting as the project’s host institution.
In the case of documents sent in the form of a scan of the hard copy with handwritten signatures, it is required to deliver to the call assistant at the RSC a PDF file without signatures.
The final version of the proposal shall be saved as a pdf titled as follows: Surname and forename of the principal investigator, name of the programme, date of the document (e.g. studentów_19-06-2024).
More information: