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NAWA Canaletto 2024

Date: 10.05.2024 - 17.06.2024
NAWA Canaletto 2024

RSC Assistants:

Joanna Boroń

tel. 12 663 30 00,

Wioletta Żabicka-Falandysz 

tel. 12 663 38 44,

Financing institution:

National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) 

Subject of the competition:

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced a call for proposals intended to support the mobility of scientists conducting research projects agreed and carried out jointly by eligible applicants from Poland and partners from Italy.

Deadline for submitting proposals to NAWA is 17 June 2024, 3 p.m.
Terms and conditions of the call:
  • Joint project proposals must be submitted simultaneously by Italian partners to MAECI and by Polish partners to NAWA. Only applications submitted jointly in Poland and the partner country that have the same title in English and the same implementation period are considered.
  • Eligible to apply for funding are institutions of science and higher education, e.g. universities, referred to in the Act of 20 July 2018 on Higher Education and Science (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2022 item 574 as amended).
  • The project may be carried out within 24 months starting from 1 January 2025 and finishing on 31 December 2026
  • The call for proposals is open only for the following
    thematic areas:
    • Agriculture and food
      Sustainable environment
      Health and life sciences
      Nanosciences and advanced materials
      Astrophysics (observation of the Universe from a ground-based GW detector: impact of environmental noise, low-noise electronics, high-precision optics)
  • Proposals relating to other thematic areas will be left out of consideration.
  • Funds for projects under the call for proposals are allocated to cover the travel expenses and costs of stay for the scientists, except for financing the research itself. The source of funding for the research may be another research project already obtained or funds from the Unit.
  • The maximum funding per project from the NAWA budget is PLN 30,000. The above amount may be extended at will using the applicant’s own funds.
  • The project may finance annually 2 stays of a maximum of 11 days each or 1 stay of a maximum of 11 days 
    and 1 stay of a maximum of 30 days.
  • Within the funds allocated by NAWA, eligible expenses on the Polish side are the following:
    • the unit rate for subsistence and accommodation costs for researchers from the partner country in Poland - in the amount of PLN 400 per day for stays of up to 11 days; for longer stays, the unit rate is PLN 4400 for the entire stay,
    • unit rate for travel costs for researchers from Poland to Italy - in the amount of PLN 2,000. The above rate is the total amount for a round trip for one person.
  • Please note: If project funding is received, notification of the planned mobility on the Italian side is required on the partner institution's website: Notification should be made at least 35 days before the start of the planned research visit (i.e. before the day of departure).
  • The coordinator in the project may be a person with at least a doctoral degree, employed by the applicant.
  • Each researcher may be the coordinator or member of a team in only one proposal submitted in a given call (call for proposals).
  • The project team may include persons employed in units forming the Polish system of science and higher education.
  • Students may also be members of the research team, as long as they take an active part in conducting research covered by the Project, and their participation is allowed by the partner country.
  • Priority for funding will be given to mobility projects, involving early-career researchers (i.e. researchers whose doctoral degree or equivalent title was obtained less than 7 years before the date of application) and doctoral students.
  • The proposal and its annexes shall be drawn up in Polish. Exception shall be the Project title, abstract and a CV of the coordinator from a partner country included in the proposal (in English).
  • There is no limit for proposals submitted by one applicant. It is allowed to submit one proposal as part of one research project.
  • The person submitting the proposal in the system must have a current power of attorney to represent the applicant granted by an authorised person, which should be attached to the proposal on submission. The RSC will draw up the power of attorney for all applicants in the call. 
  • On review of the proposals additional criteria will be applied: 
    • Involvement of young researchers
    • Potential for collaboration with socio-economic partners during or as a result of the Project
    • Potential for collaboration with EU initiatives
    • Effective dissemination of results
Please note: 
In the application, in the section: Representative of the institution authorised to sign contracts on behalf of the applicant, please provide the following data:
prof. dr hab. Piotr Kuśtrowski, 
JU Vice-Rector for Research
phone number: (+48 12) 663-11-42
The required power of attorney for the representative authorised to sign agreements, which must be attached in the NAWA ICT system, will be sent to the persons submitting proposals by a call assistant at the RSC.
Form of submitting proposals:
NAWA requires that proposals be submitted only electronically. In order to do this one has to:
  • register the proposal in the NAWA ICT system, available on the website Logowanie / Rejestracja (; 
    send in electronically via the system a completed proposal including required annexes, no later than by 3 p.m. of the call’s deadline, i.e. 17 June 2024. 
In light of the above, the proposal in electronic form should be sent only once the approval by the University’s Authorities has been secured. Information on approval of the proposal by JU Authorities will be delivered by a call assistant at the RSC to the email addresses you have specified.
JU internal regulations:
Pursuant to the Ordinance No. 129 by JU Rector of 10 November 2022 on: The procedure for drawing up and implementing projects funded from external sources at Jagiellonian University and hiring and rewarding personnel of the project persons interested in entering the call (not applicable with JU MC) are asked to deliver to the RSC:
  • by 05 June 2024:
    • a draft proposal, for the purposes of review and verification of formal eligibility (as a pdf file) to the address of the call assistant at the RSC, 
      The Research Project Entry Form filled out in the electronic system JU Project Zone
  • by 11 June 2024 the final version of the proposal - electronic version sent in as a pdf file signed with a qualified electronic signature or a scan of the hard copy with handwritten signatures – signatures required: principal investigator and the head of the JU organisational unit acting as the project host entity (i.e. Dean or Director/Head of other organisational unit). 
The final version of the proposal generated in the NAWA system which shall be saved as a pdf, titled as follows: Surname and forename of the principal investigator, name of the programme, date of the document (e.g. Kowalski_Jan_NAWA_Włochy_11-06-2024). 
More information: