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Multilateral Academic Projects (MAPS)

Date: 15.04.2024 - 01.07.2024
Multilateral Academic Projects (MAPS)

RSC Assistant:

Joanna Wrona
tel: 12 663 30 08

NSC Assistant:

Barbara Świątkowska
tel: 532 081 728

Annonsing institution:

Swiss National Science Foundation

Subject of the competition:

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has announced the launch of the call for proposals for Multilateral Academic Projects (MAPS) under the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme for Research and Innovation for projects implementing basic research and carried out by Polish researchers in collaboration with partners from Switzerland, as well as Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Romania. 

The call for proposals will be open to all research areas.

The submission deadline is 1 July 2024 (5pm, Swiss Local Time).
The proposal in the MAPS call is submitted by the Swiss project leader. 

Terms and conditions of the call: 

  • Research projects in the call can be planned for a period of 36 to 48 months and can involve researchers and support staff. All projects can be implemented from May 2025 and must be completed by 30 June 2029.
  • The maximum amount of funding for each team in each country is 350,000 francs for a duration of three to four years.  All costs for the Polish part of the project are covered by the SNSF. 
  • The Polish part of the budget is prepared in CHF using the average daily exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland in force on the day of the announcement (2 April 2024).
  • International consortia of at least 3 research teams from at least 3 participating countries can apply for funding. 
  • The project cost estimate may include funds for external services, business trips, reciprocal visits and short scientific stays among consortium partners, the purchase of research apparatus, equipment and software, materials and small equipment. Other costs necessary for the implementation of the project must be in accordance with the call for proposals and the catalogue of costs in the SNSF projects.
  • Funding agreements of the Polish parts of the project will be signed by the Polish applicants with the Swiss institution appearing in the joint application submitted to the SNSF, the principal investigator on the Swiss side and other partners. The Swiss principal investigator will also be responsible for transferring funds to the Polish side from the Swiss institution's account. 
  • A purchase of a qualified electronic signature should be planned under the direct costs, amounting ca. PLN 370 (this cost includes 2 years of signature validity, including an additional extension for another 2 years (4 years in total).
  • The international consortium that the Polish researchers will join must include at least one partner from the other participating countries in addition to the team from Switzerland (the project leader). 1 Switzerland + 1 Poland + 1 - 4 others (Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania).
  • The Polish principal investigators must have obtained their PhD at least 4 years prior to the submission deadline.
  • The principal investigator must be employed under a contract of employment at the institution where the project is carried out, from the start of the project until its completion.
  • Project Manager competencies assessed - competence is required of the person acting as the manager of the national component of the collaborative research project to lead the research team. They will be assessed by the Swiss agency SNSF on the basis of the qualifications described in the proposal.

Basic data of the entity (JU) required for the completion of the proposal are available on the website of the RSC

Form of submitting proposals:
The proposal for the MAPS call is submitted by the Swiss project leader by 1 July 2024 via the SNSF mySNF electronic system, but the Swiss partner should pre-register by 1 May 2024. Polish applicants are not required to submit a separate proposal in the OSF submission system. Details of the content and financial side of the Polish part of the project are filled in by the Swiss team leader in the mySNF system in consultation with the Polish partners.
Form of submitting proposals:
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 129 by JU Rector of 10 November 2022 on: The procedure for drawing up and implementing projects funded from external sources at Jagiellonian University and hiring and rewarding personnel of the project, persons interested in entering the call (not applicable with JU MC) are asked to deliver to the RSC:
  • by 17 June 2024 
    • a project budget proposal together with a description of the research tasks of the Polish team for the Polish team; 
    • declarations (a declaration signed by an authorised representative of the Polish institution) - available on the call website
    • a Research Project Entry Form and a VAT Eligibility Form filled out in the electronic system JU Project Zone

Additional information: