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BTC ENUTC Call 2023

Date: 28.03.2023 - 02.05.2023
BTC ENUTC Call 2023

RSC Assistant:

Magdalena Jelonek
tel. 12 663 58 59

Financing institution:

National Scinece Centre in cooperation with JPI Urban Europe

Subject of the competition:

This is to inform you that the National Science Centre (NCN) has announced a call for international research projects under the BTC ENUTC Call 2023; the call is open to proposals covering the following three subjects:

  • Experimentation and co-creation for a beautiful and sustainable urban future
  • Transformation to sustainable cities / urban transformation
  • Designing Inclusive, Liveable and Green Neighbourhoods
Proposal Submission deadline is April, 25th 2023, 14h00 CET (a joint full proposal - international level) and May, 2nd 2023 (an NCN proposal - national level).   
Information on drawing up proposals:
  • Research projects may be planned in the call for a period of 24 months.
  • Both the minimum and maximum amount of funding are not specified (costs must be justified in relation to the subject and scope of research). 
  • Funding proposals may be submitted by international consortia composed of at least two research teams from at least two countries participating in the call. The principal investigator of the Polish research team must hold at least a PhD degree. 
  • Countries participating in the call:  Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Sweden
  • Requirements for the principal investigator:
    • the principal investigator must hold at least a PhD degree;
    • a person named as the principal investigator in an NCN proposal must not be planned for a research activity in any proposal which has been submitted to the MINIATURA call and for which the funding decision has not become final.
    • a principal investigator in a national proposal in the call must not be a person for whom, on the last day of submitting proposals, the total number of ongoing NCN projects and proposals recommended for funding or under evaluation at the NCN is greater than or equal to 3 (excluding proposals submitted or funded under: TANGO; DIOSCURI; EXPRESS CALL TO FUND RESEARCH INTO COVID-19, PRELUDIUM BIS);
    • a principal investigator may only be employed over the entire course of the project’s implementation at the entity planned as the host entity, pursuant to a contract of employment for at least half time of the full-time work;
    • a principal investigator shall spend at least 50% of the project’s duration on the territory of the Republic of Poland. This period includes business trips essential to the implementation of the project, especially related to field research, participation in research conferences and archive searchers
    Under the BTC ENUTC Call 2023, funds can be applied for to cover salaries for members of the research team, salaries and scholarships for students and PhD students, purchase or manufacturing of research equipment and other costs crucial to the research project.
  • The budget for the Polish research team in the joint proposal must be the same as the budget in the national proposal in the OSF submission system.
  • The budget in the joint proposal must be specified in EUR and in the national proposal in the OSF submission system, in PLN, rounded down to total values;
  • A purchase of a qualified electronic signature should be included in the project’s budget under direct costs, amounting ca. PLN 360 (a signature valid 2 years + validity extension kit valid 2 years).
  • The EUR budget of the Polish part of the project in the joint proposal must be calculated according to the following exchange rate: 1 EUR = 4.6976 PLN.
  • Indirect costs may not exceed 20% of direct costs. Additionally, indirect costs of up to 2% of direct costs may be spent on open access to publications and research data. Please include these costs in the planned budget in the maximum possible amount.
Basic data of the entity (JU) required for the completion of the proposal are available on the website of the RSC


Proposal submission procedure:

  • international level
At the international level, a single joint full proposal in English is prepared by the Polish research team in collaboration with at least one international partner;  The joint proposal shall be submitted by the international consortium leader to the international electronic submission system UDiManager ( according to the guidelines included in the Call Announcement by 25 April 2023, 2 p.m. CET.
  • national level 
At the national level, an NCN proposal concerning the Polish part of the project is drafted by the Polish research team and submitted to the NCN electronically via the OSF electronic submission system within 7 days of the joint full proposal submission date at the international level, i.e. 2 May 2023. 
PLEASE NOTE: The information provided in national proposals and in joint proposals must be consistent. Joint proposals annexed to national proposals must be consistent with joint proposals submitted at international level.
JU internal regulations:
Pursuant to the Ordinance No. 129 by the JU Rector of 10 November 2022 on: The procedure for drawing up and implementing projects funded from external sources at Jagiellonian University and hiring and rewarding personnel of the project, persons interested in entering the call are asked to deliver to the RSC:

Dotyczy sytuacji, gdy realizacja projektu planowana jest we współpracy z innymi podmiotami krajowymi, tworzącymi tzw. grupę podmiotów. Jeśli wniosek nie będzie składany w grupie podmiotów, proszę pominąć informacje zawarte w niniejszej ramce.

  • do dnia 12 kwietnia 2023 r.:
    • gdy UJ pełni rolę Lidera w projekcie, a Partnerem jest inny podmiot krajowy:
      • porozumienia o współpracy grupy podmiotów na rzecz realizacji wnioskowanego projektu badawczego (opracowanego przez NCN), pobranego z systemu ZSUN/OSF (zakładka „Podmioty realizujące”) w postaci pliku PDF;
      • oświadczenia do porozumienia o współpracy na rzecz wnioskowanego projektu badawczego (zgodnie ze wzorem stanowiącym Załącznik nr 1 do niniejszej Informacji CWN);
      • Formularza zgłoszenia projektu badawczego oraz Formularza kwalifikowalności podatku VAT wypełnionych w systemie Strefa Projektów UJ
    • gdy UJ pełni rolę Partnera w projekcie, a Liderem jest inny podmiot krajowy:
      • porozumienia o współpracy grupy podmiotów na rzecz realizacji wnioskowanego projektu badawczego (opracowanego przez NCN) w postaci pliku PDF, przesłanego przez Lidera projektu;
      • oświadczenia do porozumienia o współpracy na rzecz wnioskowanego projektu badawczego (zgodnie ze wzorem stanowiącym Załącznik nr 1 do niniejszej Informacji CWN);
      • Formularza zgłoszenia projektu badawczego oraz Formularza kwalifikowalności podatku VAT wypełnionych w systemie Strefa Projektów UJ
UWAGA: Załączenie podpisanego porozumienia (opracowanego przez NCN)  w systemie ZSUN/OSF jest warunkiem zablokowania wniosku i wygenerowania wymaganych potwierdzeń. Należy załączyć dokument w formacie PDF podpisany kwalifikowanym podpisem elektronicznym lub skan dokumentu podpisanego odręcznie.
  • by 18 April 2023:
    • a proposal draft, for the purposes of review and verification of formal eligibility;
    • the current version of the joint full proposal, in order to verify the compatibility of the budget tables; 
    • the Research Project Entry Form and the VAT Eligibility Form filled out in the electronic system JU Project Zone 
  • by 26 April 2023:
    • the final version of the proposal (in the form of a pdf file generated by the ZSUN/OSF system, after having locked the proposal it will not be possible to re-edit it, signed with a qualified electronic signature by the head of the JU organisational unit (i.e. the Dean or Director/Head of other organisational unit) acting as the project’s host entity). The document should be generated by clicking the "Print PDF" option in the system and it should have a name given, in accordance with the following pattern: Surname and given name of the principal investigator, name of the programme, date of the document (- 26/04/2023)
    • a document generated by the ZSUN/OSF: “Confirmation of submitting the proposal by the representative of the entity”
    • a signed scan of the document generated by the ZSUN/ OSF: “Confirmation of proposal submission by the principal investigator” or a document signed with a qualified electronic signature.
Please bear in mind that sending the proposal via the ZSUN/OSF system cannot be reversed and prevents later modifications. The proposal should be sent in using the ZSUN/OSF system, supported with a signed version of the documents: “Confirmation proposal submission by the representative of the entity” and “Confirmation of proposal submission by the principal investigator”. 
The above mentioned documents, signed by JU authorities, shall be delivered by a call assistant at the RSC to the email addresses you have specified. 
Additional informations: